• writing causally
    2024-10-01   心情

Actually i didn't like writing
But I just enjoy it
I don't wanna be a master
Just be a common
Why? Because common people is good for me
No pressure, no over-exposure
I love be a common
I hate everyone focus my life
It'll make me feeling purssure
Abnormal? So what!?
If "abnormal" can make me comfortable
Why being ''normal''? ''Normal'' may will destory unique indentity.

At last, I think language can effect our mind. When I was child, I suffer from emotional neglect, now their still impact on me.

English can make me peace of mind, not only English country is democratic, but also emphasis individual and cultural freedom, is diffirent from Chinese culture.
I hope China can become more democratic in future :)

My friend, just love your life
and try to find the meaning of your existence. That's it

See you next time,bro!👋😎

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