



58歲 處女座


1966 ,9





善解人意 忠厚老實 心地善良 熱情大方 成熟穩重 率真單純 易情緒化 


閱讀寫作 運動釣魚 逛街購物 下棋彈琴 豢養寵物 電視電影 語言學習 唱歌跳舞 


文藝片 劇情片 喜劇片 歌舞片 記錄片 


台語歌曲 爵士藍調 動感舞曲 演奏音樂 古典音樂 




東北亞 東南亞 台灣 港澳大陸 美加 歐洲 

I am a very open minded person.i love Cooking because i like to eat anything healthy . I'm honest and hard working. I don't smoke but i do enjoy having a few drinks. I pay attention to all the little things that matter.I love God and believe he is my reason for being alive. I have a dog named Chanel. I enjoy staying home when i'm not at work and I enjoy going out equally. I wish have friends from other countries side and we can communicate very well.

  • otani yang:2021-06-01 17:40
    Hi I am a Taiwanese boy. I want to learn my English better, and make friends with another countries people. Can you make pan friend with me?
  • 凡:2019-12-27 03:53
    Hi my friend
    I live in California and would like to make some friends even I am married with kids.
    Still Feel lonely sometimes and hope there is friend I can share the feeling with.
  • 夢涵:2018-05-15 11:42
    Hi there....I have puppies too, drop me a message if would like to have connection....ciao.
  • 梅子:2018-04-17 13:23
    Hi, I am Mei. In Chinese, mei is a kind of plum. Green mei is bitter and sour .But after pickling, it becomes sweet and with a little sour, like the feeling of first love. This is so called" green plum and bamboo horse."
    I am a Chinese teacher in Singapore.I enjoy Chinese literature, but in Singapore, Chinese is just one of the mother tongue languages.
    It should be night time for you. Have a nice dream!
  • 幸運草:2017-05-31 20:42
    Hi! This is clover. Do u read Chinese? Or English only? I am a new member in this website and I would like to have opportunities to share the life experiences with people all over the world. If it is ok, please just drop me a message anytime. See u (^○^)

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