Qipao Traditional Chinese Dress Rental - Jiufen

 類別:Tickets / Coupon
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 8 小時
Hire your own Qipao - also known as the Cheongsam - in the historic town of Jiufen on Taiwan's North Coast and step back in time. One-day hire with hundreds of designs to choose from.

・Enjoy day-long hire and dress in a traditional qipao before taking some amazing pictures in the surrounds of Jiufen.
・Choose from dozens of designs, with bags, shoes, and hair accessories all included in the cost of hire.
・Gently stroll around ancient Jiufen and look the part with a retro Taiwanese style.
・Kids and men's attire is also available for hire.

-What You Can Expect-

The Qipao (or Chipao, 旗袍 in Chinese) is a traditional dress worn by women in China and Taiwan for centuries. Since Jiufen represents traditional Taiwan and the Taiwan of yesteryear, where better to experience a one-day qipao experience than at one of Taiwan's most beautiful old villages.

This day long qipao hire includes a number of stunning designs, and all hires come with shoes, bags, and even hair accessories. Men's attire and traditional children's clothing is also available for rent, making this a great shared experience for all to enjoy!

-Important Info-

・Service Hours: 11:00am - 7:00pm
・Meeting Point: No.34, Qiche Rd., Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City 224
・Duration: One day
・Size: S-5XL (Children height: 80cm - 140cm)
・How to Get There:
- Bus: From Zhongxiao Fuxing Station, Exit 1, take bus 1062 to Jiufen Old Street Station.
- Train Bus: Take the train from Taipei Main
Station to Ruifang Station, and then take bus 1062 to Jiufen Old Street Station.

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