Hualien Night Tour to River Shrimping with BBQ Dinner (Including Transfer)

 類別:Half Day
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 3 小時
Nowadays, barbecue is not a cuisine but a culture. It has even become an eating lifestyle in many countries. For decades, barbecue as an entertainment event has bonded families and friends in the most traditional way. Children rarely experience, fun catching shrimp in wild brook!
- Highlights -

.Experiences Hualien Valley ecology
.An experienced professional coach, guiding you while catching shrimp
.Fresh roasted surf surf 'n' turf BBQ feast, ensure at least 20 ingredients rich in ingredients

-Important Info-

.Meeting Time: 7:00pm
.Departure location: your hotel or hostel in Hualien or arrive to meeting point on your own (7-11 at No. 215, Section 2, Zhonghua Road, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County)
.Travel Time: 3 - 4hrs
.Returning Point: your hotel or hostel in Hualien
.Language: Chinese

- Attraction Description-

“The Most Favored Activity at Night in Hualien! It’s mouthwatering and fun! ”
Do you want to experience something different except night markets at night in Hualien? Come Join us in the enticing shrimp catching and all-you-can-eat B-B-Q at nighttime!

- What You Can Expect -

Together we wear the helmets with detector light, hold the professional shrimp catching tools and walk into the clear and cool water of a stream. This is the best ecological lesson ever! Challenge your acuteness of your eyes and hands and see who the best shrimp catcher is. After the shrimp catching , we can enjoy all-you-can-eat B-B-Q in a starry night. It will definitely be your unforgettable evening!
In order to protect the natural environment, please do not bring living beings away from the valleys and rivers.

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