3 days trip of Alishan and Zhushan Forest Railroads

 類別:Multi-day Tour
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 3 天
 活動小時數: 0 小時
Take two of Alishan's most characteristic forest railways, the Alishan forest railway line (Chiayi Station - Fenqihu Station) and the Zhushan sunrise line (Alishan Station - Zhushan Station). Enjoy the Forest and watch the famous sunrising in Alishan.
-Highlights -

.Experience the two most characteristics of the Alishan forest railways.
.Package includes a night's special accommodation in Alishan.

-What You Can Expect-

The sunrise, sea of clouds, sunset, forest and alpine railway are collectively known as Alishan's five wonders. One of the best features of Alishan is that visitors can enjoy different views at different times of day. In addition, you can appreciate cherry blossoms in winter and fireflies during summer nights. Come and experience a different Alishan during each of the four seasons.

- Important Info -

.Starting time: 9:00am
.Meeting location: ProFun Travel cross from the Chiayi Station rear entrance
.Duration: 3 days
.Return Info:
- Return to Chiayi Station at 5:00pm on weekdays/at 5:30pm on weekends

-Accommodation Info-

.The first night: Alishan Gou Hotel B Building, Alishan Dengshan Hotel, Wanguo Hotel, Yingshan Hotel, Meiliya Hotel or hotels with the same star rating.

.The second night: Fenqihu Hotel

(Hotels cannot be specified. If the following hotels are booked, alternatives of similar hotels will be provided)

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