【春夏秋冬・森の香り】清境 奥萬大森林往復送迎プラン(混載・乗合車)

 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 4 小時
Depart from Qingjing for breathtaking mountainscapes at Aowanda Forest Recreation Area. Hike through scenic trails of maple trees in fall, or cherry blossom trees in spring.
— Highlights —

• Revel in the year-round natural beauty of Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area
• Hike through beginner-friendly trails and catch sight of sparkling rivers, craggy cliffs, and crashing waterfalls
• Spot exotic birds at this prime bird-watching spot
• Take advantage of convenient hotel pick-up and drop-off from Qingjing

— What You Can Expect —

Immerse yourself in breathtaking natural scenery on this half-day tour to Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area.

Take a scenic drive from your Qingjing hotel to the mountainous Nantou County. Observe the dense, sprawling forests that carpet the mountains. Enjoy the crisp forest air as you trek through scenic trails. Stumbleupon crashing waterfalls or pause by river streams. Spot colorful birds perched on the trees at this prime bird-watching spot.

Wander past lush cherry blossom trees in spring, and drink in the romantic atmosphere. Soak up the vibrant fall foliage of the maple trees in autumn.

Delight in the year-round beautiful scenery at Aowanda National Forest.

- Important Info -

・Pick-up Time: 1:00pm
・Pick-up Point: your hotel in Qingjing
・Returning Information: drop-off at your hotel in Qingjing
・Duration: ~4 hrs

- Additional Info-

・This is a shared tour
・Free admission for children under age 3, must not occupy a seat

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