Private Day Tour from Taichung: Xinshe Castle & National Taichung Theater

 類別:one day tour
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 8 小時
Discover the sights of Taichung, Taiwan’s western central city, on a charming day tour. Marvel at the unique architecture of landmarks such as Xinshe Castle and National Taichung Theater.
- Highlights -

・Stroll inside the European-style Xinshe Castle
・Admire the intricate and modern design of National Taichung Theater
・Take in the rustic atmosphere at the quirky Miyahara Eye Hospital
・Stroll Lavender Cottage’s dreamy purple gardens
・Sample mushroom-themed dishes at Mushroom Garden

- What You Can Expect -

Enjoy the most captivating landmarks of Taichung on this eight-hour private tour. Head to the newly-built National Taichung Theater and see its unique wavy design. Catch a glimpse of orchestra performances and other lively events. Learn how its structure breaks away from traditional architecture.

Next, visit Xinshe Castle feel as if you’ve stepped into a fairy tale. Breathe in fresh air and admire the European architecture and scenic lake.

Pick and taste fresh mushrooms at Mushroom Garden, a recreational facility. Delight in various kinds of edible mushrooms. Cook them into tasty dishes, including mushroom sausage, fried Eryngii mushrooms, and mushroom soup.

Immerse yourself in a world of purple lavenders at Lavender Cottage. Smell the relaxing scent of the trees and breathe in fresh mountain air. Next, drop by Miyahara Eye Hospital, an ice cream store which resembles a library. Gaze in awe at the impressive Gothic architecture and relax in the tranquil ambiance.

Cap off your day with delicious ice cream and bubble milk tea. Experience the whimsical side of Taichung on this scenic private day tour.

- Important Info -

・Departure Info: Taichung HSR Station or your chosen location within Taichung City at 9:00am
・Duration: ~8 hrs
・Vehicle Info: taxis, max. of 4 travelers per taxi
・Driver Language: Chinese, English, Japanese

- Additional Info -

・For Taiwanese travelers, please provide your Chinese name, date of birth, and ID number for insurance purpose in the 'Notes' section while booking

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