Taichung Zhongshe Tourism Flower Market Half Day Tour

 類別:Half Day
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 5 小時
Take a nice stroll in the colorful sea of flowers at the Zhongshe Tourism Flower Market. Tulip season begin from Jan-March
and hundreds of lillies, cosmos and roses come into bloom from April-Dec. Buy your favorite bouquet of flowers and display it in your home.
- Highlights -

.Plenty of beautiful tulip flowers, lily, cosmopolitan flowers and potted plants can be found and purchase at Chung-she Flower Garden.
.Ride on the small tram at Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory and enjoy a local traditional ice blocks.

— Important Info —

.Meeting point and times:
Taichung Butler Hotel: 1:00pm
Taichung HSR Station 1F (Exit 6): 1:30pm
Hotels in Taichung city area: 1:00pm - 1:30pm
.Duration: 4 - 5 hrs
.Returning info: Can be dropped off at the hotels and night markets in Taichung city area

-What can you expect-

.Chung-she Flower Garden
The flower garden displays all kinds of four seasons flowers, from tulips, sunflowers to lavender and cosmos flowers. The park also has a potted plant area where visitors can purchase from and enjoy the fun of gardening at home!

.Yuemei Tourism Sugar Factory
Yuemei Sugar Factory was first established in 1909. Tourists can also enjoy old style ice lollies and ice products. The factory also has various village cultural relics, sugar making equipment and Qing Dynasty imperial statutes on display.

.Chang Lien-cheng Saxophone Museum
The museum is named after Chang Lien-cheng, a local resident who made the first saxophone in Taiwan on his own. The museum displays the development of saxophone industries in Taiwan, Mr Chang’s beliefs and a collection of saxophones made by Adolphe Sax.

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