Taipei Trip Memo: Let professional photographers capture the best moments of your day trip

 類別:Half Day
 促銷區間: 無限制
 活動天數: 小於一天
 活動小時數: 2 小時
Why not let a professional photographer capture those moments for you. In addition to great food and friendly people, you'll take with you awesome memories of your trip in Taiwan!

. Have a professional photographer take you to visit locations not mentioned in travel books
.Enjoy a one-of-a-kind trip filled with things that are uniquely Taiwan
.With a professional photographer on hand, never miss out on capturing the most beautiful moments of the trip

- What You Can Expect -

After pre-trip communications and arrangements are made, you'll be led through the streets and alleys of Taiwan. And let a professional photographer record those great memories of you against a background of your chosen scenes in Taipei. What's more, our staff will stage scenes so that your travel companions/family will not be obstructed by or even notice the photographer's presence. Show your most true and natural self. Enjoy this lovely trip and forget that this was even a photoshoot.

-Important Info-

.Meeting Time: your preferred time
.Meeting Point: your preferred location within the Greater Taipei Area
.Duration: ~2 hrs

-Additional Info-

.Due to the popularity of this package, please contact us before booking to check if your required date is available
.Maximum of 4 people are able to book this package. Surcharge of NT$300 per person will be applied for additional people. Please inform us if you are traveling with more than 4 people
.The main photography locations will be in Taipei. If you wish to visit locations outside of Taipei, additional fees will incur, please contact the store for detailed price information
.Surcharge for exceeding the 2-hour time limit: NT$3000 per hour

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