• Cantakami
    Cantakami 心情日記
    2017-05-27   自己

Today is a great sunny day. I went to have the tutorial class as usual and after that i found the sky of blue , clouds of white , just right above my head. Therefore i went to have a basketball play which i seldom doing so because my daily is to study.

Sometime, having such relax is wonderful. This make me remember the song " What a Wonderful World" by Armstrong. I don't know how many days can be as same as today, but , well at least the pressure from sitting for HKDSE2018 had been released .

But i really appreciate if someone can have a chat with me , talk about weather, stuffs anything.

  • Cantakami:2017-05-29 01:13  To 咖啡:

    quite good with my friend, books~~
    but i don't have enough time to write a diary for everyday so i just give a short reply on this comment.
    Well, it is a great pleasure to have someone comment. It is nice!
  • 咖啡:2017-05-28 23:35
    Hi Cantakami
    How do you do

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