• H
    2021-08-08   生活

I am often distracted. When I do one housework, I always worry about other housework. I am greedy. I want all the to-do list done as soon as possible. In fact, they are more time-consuming than I thought.


  • 茶泡麵:2021-08-08 11:28
    The bullet journal is a next-level diary for not only writing but drawing. A bullet journal contains daily to-dos, a monthly or weekly calendar, tracks physiological and mental health, and records goals.
  • H:2021-08-08 11:09  To 茶泡麵:

    Is " bullet journal" an app? I have google calendar already.

    Having an insight into my distraction is a good start.

    Thanks for your suggestion.
  • 茶泡麵:2021-08-08 00:51
    Maybe you can try "bullet journal". It will be very helpful.
    You can plan your daily schedule with it.

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