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    09 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Nine - ARE YOU "UP AGAINST A WALL"? BREAK THROUGH WITH A NEW METAPHOR! | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄
    2023-07-28   生活


"Metaphors are like symbols: a quick way to say a lot. People use metaphors all the time to describe how they feel about all kinds of things."

"Whenever you describe something as being like something else, you’re creating a metaphor ... "Life is a battle" and "life is a beach" are two metaphors and two very different ways of looking at the world. What goes along with thinking life is a battle? If you described life that way, you'd probably believe that people are always fighting one another. But if you said life was a beach, you might believe people could have fun together!"

"Behind every metaphor is a system of beliefs. When you choose a metaphor to describe your life or your situation, you choose the beliefs it supports, too. This is why you want to be careful about the way you describe your world—to yourself or to anyone else."

e.g.: the actor Martin Sheen and his wife, Janet (he was suffering a massive heart attack)

"... how his life changed years ago while he was making the movie Apocalypse Now. Before then, he had seen life as something to fear. Now he sees it as an intriguing challenge. Why? His new metaphor is "Life is a mystery"."

"What changed his metaphor? Intense pain. They had been filming under a grueling schedule deep in the jungles of the Philippines. After a restless night, he woke up the next morning and realized he was suffering a massive heart attack ... Martin was flown to a hospital for emergency care. Janet rushed to his side. He was becoming weaker with each moment. She refused to accept the graveness of his condition—she knew that Martin needed strength—so she smiled brightly at him and said, "It's just a movie, babe! It's only a movie." ... What a great metaphor! In movies, people don't really die, do they? In a movie, you can decide how it all turns out."

"How do you describe your world? ... If life were a dance, what would that mean? You'd have partners, graceful movement, and harmony. What if life were a game? It would be fun; it would be a chance for you to play with other people; it could even mean there are rules—and winners. What if life were a flower garden? Think of the brilliant colors, the alluring fragrance, the natural beauty! Could you enjoy life a little more in such a garden?"

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