



45歲 A型 金牛座


1980 ,4




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10 Notes from a Friend - Tony Robbins | Lesson Ten - READY ... SET ... GOAL! HOW SETTING GOALS CAN BUILD YOUR FUTURE | 書籍 - 閱讀記錄




"I've interviewed many of the greatest achievers in the world, and one of the interesting things I've learned is that each of their incredible accomplishments began with the same first step: the setting of a goal."

"The reason we set goals is to give our lives focus and to move us in the direction we would like to go."

"Choosing a goal may cause only a slight change in your life's direction at first. It's like one of those huge freighters at sea: If the captain shifts course by just a few degrees, it won't be noticeable immediately. But in several hours or days, this change in direction will bring the ship to a completely different destination."

"Some people are afraid to set goals because they think that they'll be disappointed or fail. What they don't realize is that achieving the goal isn't half as important as setting it, then taking massive action toward its attainment."

"I learned something superimportant; my success depended on doing my best—not just once in a while but consistently."

"All people who succeed dedicate themselves to continuous improvement. They're never satisfied with just doing well; they constantly want to do better."

"The harder you prepare, the luckier you seem to get."

"The most successful people are those who understand the power of "chunking", who don't bite off more than they can chew at one time. In other words, they break a goal down into bite-size pieces, achievable "subgoals" that lead toward the ultimate success they desire."

"But it's not enough just to set subgoals; you have to celebrate the achievement of each small step. This will help you build momentum and develop habits that will gradually turn your dreams into reality."

"What makes some people willing to take action, even when they're feeling down or afraid? Why do certain individuals overcome tremendous obstacles? How do they bounce back from what others call defeat, again and again? ... They have a future worth fighting for—a compelling future."

"When you choose a truly inspiring goal, you free the power within yourself to achieve far more than others imagine is possible. You give yourself an incredible opportunity to stretch and grow."

"There are people—we all know some of them—who seem constantly lost in a fog of confusion. They go one way, then another. They try one thing, then shift to something else. They move down one path, then retreat in the opposite direction. Their problem is Simple: they don't know what they want. You can't hit a target if you don't know what it is."

"What you need to do now is dream. But it's absolutely essential that you do so in a totally focused way. If you just read this book, it's not going to do you any good. You need to sit down and put your dreams on paper."

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Take a moment to really consider this question. If you were absolutely certain of success, what activities would you pursue, what actions would you take?"

"Be specific. The more detailed you are, the more empowered you are to create a result. As you create your list, some of the things you write down will be things you've thought about for years. Some will be things you've never even dreamed of before. But you need to decide what you really want, because knowing what you want determines what you will get. Before something happens in the world, it must first happen in your mind."

"If you agree to play it full-out—if you agree to meet all its challenges with all the determination you have—the rewards will be beyond anything you imagined."


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