



35歲 AB型 獅子座


1990 ,8



平易近人 活潑好動 善解人意 樂觀開朗 忠厚老實 粗心大意 不拘小節 古道熱腸 搞怪調皮 憨直木訥 爽朗健談 冷俊孤僻 淡泊名利 性情中人 


閱讀寫作 音樂欣賞 下棋彈琴 遊山玩水 發呆睡覺 豢養寵物 電腦網路 語言學習 


文藝片 劇情片 喜劇片 動作片 科幻片 恐怖片 歌舞片 戰爭片 動畫片 記錄片 


國語歌曲 台語歌曲 粵語歌曲 西洋歌曲 韓國歌曲 電影配樂 懷念老歌 古典音樂 




東南亞 台灣 港澳大陸 太平洋島嶼 美加 歐洲 紐澳 非洲 





Optimistic pessimist or pessimistic optimist.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing
Meeting interessting people and share story together.

Like everyone. Music film reading etc. I love all kinds of art. I can play a little ukulele. And board game, learning different language. Of course travel. But i haven't traveled a lot.

culture board games music live music classical music languages film film festival
Movie: "Underground" from Emir Kusturica
"Where It Is Cold In The Sun" from Bogdan Dumitrescu, "Delicatessen" from Marc Caro
El Viaje from Fernando Solanas

Music: Classical recently Bruckner No.7 Symphony Ein deutsches Requiem
Mozart Requiem
Neo-Folk Alcest, Nebelung, Empyrium
Klaus & Kinski, Elliot Smith, Lacrimosa

Books: Rilke like "Der Totengräber"
Haruki Murakami like 1Q84
J.D Sailinger

19.Aug 2012, my 22nd birthday. I was traveling in the Zhejiang area. And was planning to go home from Hangzhou. My last destination is "Qian Dao Hu". It means a thousand islands lake. So I went there and camping there. It was about 4 o'clock when I arrived at my camping place. It's called "Shi Cheng Museum".Actually, it is a traditional garden which you can see everywhere in this area. And it was opened and nobody was there. A big tower stays on the ground. Everything is new. It just looks like an old building. Anyway, it's still beautiful. And the building is not the point. The point is the view is perfect. You can see the lake right before you. I know this place also because there was a camping festival couple of months ago. As I just arrived, it was raining a little bit. Since no one was there. I just take a “shower” with the water of the tap. And the water is warm. I don't know why. And this lake is famous for its cleanliness. You can directly drink. I lied down on the chair for a while. And the rain stopped. So I went out to have a look. Then I found a small fish boat. It was cloudy and the sky getting dark. I saw the lightning at the edge of the sky. But I heard nothing. It must be pretty far. I hesitate for a moment. Anyway, I decided to take the boat. The problem is I knew nothing about boating. And I spend quite a lot of time to untie the rope of anchor. And I left the anchor to stay on the shore. The problem now is how to paddle the boat. I really had no idea. I tried to imitate the gesture of a fisher on the TV. I just failed. And I can't control the direction. Anyway, I arrived on a small island. I didn't go so far. But I was already exhausted. So I tried to stop the boat at the shore. You know what happened. I left the goddamn anchor behind. Before nightfall, I really wanted to swim like a fish. It's beautiful and so quiet. So I took off all my clothes and jump into the water. Like Hippies. The water is also warm. Weird but great. Since I didn't have much energy. And I can't swim too far away from the boat. So I swam a little bit then got on the boat for a rest. I also drank some water from the lake. It tastes the same as I just drank from the tap and also the same as the Nongfu Spring brand of mineral water. Then I decided to move on. As I pass the small island, I got into a panic. The most important is I can't see the shore and the tower. It was darkening quickly. All I can see is the shape of the mountain and the lightning at the end of the world. Sometimes I can hear the sound of fish. Except for that, silence controlled everywhere. So I began to go back. At last, I saw the tower again. And the light was also on. And I just sitting on the boat watching the tower. Sometimes I changed the direction to see the lightning and wondering where is it. As I decided to go back to the ashore. Suddenly something loud got into my ear. It was this terrible music you can hear everywhere in China. Some middle-aged women began to dance near the museum. There is a big place in front of the tower. I guess they came every night. So I gave up. Last moment everything seems still unreal to me. The Nature, the boat, the island and the lake. Everything reminded me of the romantic literature. Like Novalis "Hymn an die Nacht". Anyway, those old ladies brought me back to reality. Then I decided to go further so that I don't have to listen to the noise. But I dare not to go too far. It's already dark. The only thing I can see is lightning. So I lied down enjoy the silence. It reminds me of the words in Fight Club. "Dark Silent and Complete." I stay on the lake until 9 o'clock when I make sure everybody was gone. I drive my boat back. I guess it is the craziest thing I have ever done in my life.

P.S There was no island in this area before 1959. China built its first hydroelectric station in 1959. And make the mountains into islands. And the Lions City was buried under the water. Thanks for that. It escaped the disaster of cultural revolution. And it's not away from the place where i was swimming.

I can teach Hokkien languages like Taiwanese or Mandarin
I want to practice German and English. I want to learn all kinds of languages. Especially now I want to learn Spanish and French.

Language ethusiastic. Boardgame geek. Film lover

China, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand


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