• 李樸
    2024-07-30   散文

When I hear this question from my colleague, I am at a loss.
I teach in a college. This topic becomes sensitive. He
teases me and this bothers me. He
must have seen my post in a dating website.
Should I confront him? Should I ignore him?
Should I talk to other colleagues for help?
Should I delete my post?
李老師眉飛色舞是不是走桃花運? This is a don't ask, don't tell topic.
You do not tell others about your private life.
You do not ask others about their private life.
I look online to find help on how to deal with him. Online resources advise me to
ignore him. I have a better plan. Every time we bump into each other, I put a smile
on my face and look at him straight in his eyes. At first he seems confused.
He tries to get my attention. I look at him with a smile without saying anything.
Before long he gets it and avoids me. It's not easy to smile in a situation
like this. I am glad I have solved a sticky situation.

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