• 因為
    因為 心情日記
    2016-11-02   心情

喜歡這首歌輕鬆快樂 , 和一些管弦樂器的段落


I just know that I have to believe
All that I see
All that I see
I woke up in a different place
Then I left when I closed my eyes
And this feeling I can't explain
That this day would make me alive

I just know
I just know
I just know
I just know
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you

I wish we had more time
And less space in between
Reality would be much better than a dream
There are so many things
That I have left unsaid
I'd rather be with you, be with you instead

I just know
Be with you instead
I just know
Be with you instead
I just know
I just know

I just know
I just know
I just know
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you
All I see is you


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