Yang 揚





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心地善良 誠實坦白 


音樂欣賞 下棋彈琴 




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台灣 美加 紐澳 

I would like to make some friends or more likely soul mates. The internet can connect everybody, but actually everybody feels lonely now.
I can write either English or Chinese.
希望可以遇到分享人生的筆友。 We don't have to talk everyday, but you will be in my mind and I could be in your mind. There is always a person who is behind you matter what.
As a pen pal, we could be physically far away from each other, but we are close spiritually.



The reason why I wasn't very happy is, all my investment doesn't look good at all. The point is the money I placed in the market was for the purpose of buying a place to live and then I was introduced by a friend's friend, he convinced me that he would make more profit by doing investment (in stock market, fund, or bonds etc.) instead of buying a place... So I accepted his idea and followed his instruction. So he became my financial planner and advisor.
中間會有些曲折的故事,In the end, I lost some of the money and now, I withdrew from the stock market and I have to buy a place again eventually. The problem is the housing market is so much different from last year of 2020...
Of course it wasn't joyful decision to make to get the money out of the market....
I am not very good on financial planning as a science and technology background PhD, I have no feelings on how to deal with money or investment. People can use the money to make profit but I only can make a life by working in office or lab. Isn't it sad? I have to admit that I do not have the talent to become rich or even just live a life by doing investment. I was thinking that I am a smart person, but actually I am just a book worm, no creativity at all. From that perspective I feel sorry for myself. (I might should have said sorry to my grandparents that I am disappointing them, even I know all that they wanted is that I am happy and loving my life). I guess I am greedy, or I don't want to be an ordinary person, but I am an ordinary person :-(
Am I admiring people who are rich? Yes, I am. Am I wanting to become a rich person? Of course I am. But I don't have the talents to become a rich person. As I don't know how to do investment.
So back to life, money is not everything, but money is something for sure. I don't want to rely on parents, however it looks like I could be able to rely on myself either...
To be happy and enjoying the life, you don't have to own lots of money or property. However, it is certain that money can somehow make your life easier.
We come to work almost every day, either work from home or work in office, basically we need to work in order to support our daily life. It would be awesome if you like what you do, if that is the case for you, congratulations, you are so lucky.
Today I was talking to one of my colleagues in the lab, (of course I didn't share my story with him), he said, being happy or not, it is your own choice. It is your own choice to be happy, it is your own choice to choose which kind of thing you mind, it is your own choice to select what you really care, what you really mind. If you want to be happy, you will focus on what you have, but not what you don't have or what you have lost... I guess I do know what he means, but I feel different when it comes from an elder person.
What is your choice? Would you like to be focusing on the positive things and live a happy life no matter what, or the negative things catch your eyes faster and make you feel blue?

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