• 李樸
    2023-10-10   小說

The most vivid image I had of the singer was on TV. The news
reported that the singer was mad as hell at his brothers because his
brothers living in the U.S.A. did not bother to return to their father’s
funeral despite numerous public pleas by the singer. Naturally these pleas
were preceded by formal notifications and invitations. The singer used
the mass media to vent his frustration and issue his ultimatum. He cried
out in public as a last resort, “With the final nail to our father’s
coffin, our family ties are severed because you are no human beings.”

Most citizens in Taiwan reacted to the news with shame and
dismay. Chinese are taught to show piety and obedience to their parents;
otherwise they are guilty of committing the worst of all evils. Even if
they do not want to obey their parents for some reason, they dare not show
that overtly and in the open. The singer had enjoyed a brief popularity
a while back and had not been no in the public eye until the news. The
singer has two brothers, both M.D., well known for their medical
accomplishments. Their father, also M.D., was the founder of the biggest
hospital in Taiwan. In the 50s most Taiwanese hospitals were founded by
foreign missionaries. Due to his father’s vision, a hospital with a
traditional Chinese name, instead of a name with Lutheran, Notre Dame,
or Presbyterian in it, was built and later grew into the biggest.

Most people were glad to see the singer again, but not in such
an unpleasant situation. The singer was the youngest in the family. During
his younger years, he had a rocky relationship with his father. The
singer always loved music and his father always rewarded him with top of
the line music gears whenever he did well in school. His father hoped
someday he would take after his brothers who took after him himself to
become an M.D. His father took pride in the singer’s dexterity with his
hands and thought it was a must in surgery. Needlessly to say, his father
could not believe what he heard from the singer.

“M.D. is not for me,” calmly said the singer to his father.
“Why?” his father reacted with disbelief.
“I want to join a band and get into a singing career.”
“You can go to a medical school while continuing to sing whenever
you like.”
“Well, I do not think I will be happy in a medical school.”
“What do you know? I prepare you all along like your brothers.
Besides you are well plugged…”

His father was implying that because of his connections, the
singer could choose any location even overseas, any hospital, any
speciality as long as he got his M.D. license. In a nutshell his medical
future was too bright to ignore. The singer knew that very clearly. But
he insisted on his own pursuit. This created animosity with his
father. His father was old fashioned and did not think a singing career
went far. Fortunately his father got around to the singer’s way of
thinking. But that was well after he retired from his singing career. He
got closer to his father after his father had a cancer. He took care of
his father during his illness. The illness struck his father hard and
changed his whole outlook on life. He often mumbled to himself, “Where
are my sons when I need them bad? What good is it that they are doctors?”
His father rewrote his will and decided to deed the biggest hospital he
built when most of Taiwan was medically deprived to a foundation. His
father often said,“Out of the society and back into the society. I did
not have any money when I came and I could not take with me anything when
I leave.”

His father’s determination was very generous, but it did not
sound nice to the singer’s brothers who are internationally known experts
in their fields. Initially they were scheduled to come back to Taiwan to
take over the hospital. The two brothers had a grand plan in expanding
the hospital into Asia’s best. They had a hot debate with their father.

“If the hospital were governed by outsiders, eventually we will
have less control of the hospital and, who knows what will become of the
hospital?”two brothers reasoned with father.
“After much thought, I do believe the hospital should be
operated by principles, not by people. It should be run by a group of able
and caring people aiming to execute principles which include improving
the healthcare of the general public, providing free care to the poor,
advancing the medical breakthroughs in treating the untreatables.
That’s why I want to turn it to a not for profit organization.”
“Don’t you trust us? We have the capabilities to do what you
envision. What if the hospital falls into the wrong hand?”
“Good point. I want to make sure the hospital is well structured
and organized according to a set of thought out guidelines and carefully
planned procedures. May it be done while I am still alive.”

Similar exchanges went on for several months. Things went
sour and ugly sometimes. Finally it dawned on their father that two
brothers held their own interests above all others. The father precluded
two from the will and that triggered the end of their communication in
any shape or form. The singer lamented and asked rhetorically, “What
if they were not M.D. ? Wouldn’t things be better if they were
just average Joe’s?”Their father was wrong about the singer, but not
about his brothers. The singer did manage to speak to one of them on the
phone upon the father’s death.

“As you know, our father is no ordinary man. Even the President
of Taiwan mourns his loss. Could you please attend his funeral service
for the sake of our family for the last time? We need you there,”pleaded
the singer.
“I am no part of this anymore. You inherit everything from the
old man. He only recognized you. Good luck with your windfall,”his
brother snorted jealously.
Little did they or fans know that the old man had left everything
to outsiders. The old man asked the singer about the will.
The singer replied, “I already enjoyed the best childhood any
child could possibly dream of. Leave me out of the will as well.”

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