Since finding my relationship issues stems from my parent, I started to change my status, such as attempting to considering my parent to therapy, try to talk about with my parent)

But it's challenging, I started hiding my emotion when I was a child, I fear for uncertainty than other people, I always wanna being "normal" even I know that will erode myself unique

I am easily affected by other people, so when my behavior is opposite of social Expectation, my heart feel pressured and isolated and try to find Identification from others

So I am always in dilemma of whether to do or not?
If do will change a lot but will lose something
But if not? I'll wandering in hesitation and desire

How do you think my situation?


  • 光:2025-01-17 11:44
    First you need to accept yourself. Be comfortable with who you are. Love yourself first. So what if others say negative things about you? You are the only one spending the rest of your life with yourself. You need to accept yourself first.

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