• 陳 心情日記
    2018-06-24   心情

its the first day off in a long while. I started my internship on 06/04 and was working another part time job previously on Saturday and Sunday. Let me tell you, working 7 days a week is not an enjoyable thing since the scheduling is different for the two jobs. I work swing shift during the week, 16:00-00:30, afternoon shift on Saturday, 12:30-20:30, and morning shift on Sunday 7:00-15:00. I think for some people its necessary for them to be constantly working to make a living and i am probably just complaining but having most of your time tied up in work, there are any time left for thing that need to be done. In my case it was fixing up my car so that i can have a reliable transportation. The alternative was buying a new car which we did try but it was not a great experience. The dealer jacked up the price on their product and claim its the lowest they can sell it even tho its almost 25-30% more than the msrp. No wonder there are apps and other service available on mobile device that claim to help you buy car with easy and low price. If i may, i will rant a bit about the current car models. The current trend in the car designs aim for comfort and fuel economy which make cars bigger than necessary and with smaller engine compare to the previous predecessors. its hard to see out of the rear window and have to rely on backup camera. The car drive sluggish with more than 2 people in it. For the price of the car and satisfactions, not worth. End Rant. For clarification, my jobs are pretty chill, like most jobs, lot of downtime. It mainly to make sure nothing bad happens and that everything is setup and cleaned up at the end. It make me wonder why I have choose engineering since the road to engineer will take another 3-4 years after getting a degree since most engineer titled jobs here required 5-7 years of experience. I would have to start in the technician position and gain experience then become an engineer, maybe. I think the best path would be finish high school and start off in entry level technician position then work in various field then if your lucky, find your passion then proceed to getting a BS degree. or if you can handle work and class at the same time, damn...pro right there. I am still looking for my passion. I am a descent worker, good work ethics, consistent, and willing to learn. yeah....idk what is interesting to me that i want to work with the rest of my life, very same with marriage, testing the waters before taking the dive i guess.

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