• 快放假了
    2020-07-02   工作

This week was supposed to be company shutdown where the employees can get some rest but the managment decided that it was more important to work and stay focused on achieving the goal set for this fiscal year, mostly because of COVID the progress was slowed and company losing money. The work week was 4 days and they suddenly decide to push for 'design improvement' 2 weeks before product rollout, which mean they want the proof of concept by next monday which also mean that they want the testing parameters mapped out on Thursday since Friday was recognized as the 4th of July holiday. No warning or any notice with half a day while the tool had under gone maintainence. Started work today at 7:30am and left work around 8:45pm. Had to stay late to bring up the tool and requalify it. The management is getting really desperate...



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  • 陳:2020-07-23 12:54
    Not too sure. It's a big company, Applied Materials.
  • 婉兒:2020-07-23 04:35
    Does it receive government subsidies or grants? How does it sustain itself if it is repeatedly not profitable?
  • 陳:2020-07-21 13:56  To 婉兒:

    Yeah... I work in a program ina big company. This program hasn't generated any profit in the past 5-6 years.
  • 婉兒:2020-07-21 10:19
    I thought you're in Taiwan until I read "July Fourth".

    I understand your pain about management. Is your management team always like that?

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