“。。因為客店裡沒有地方給他們。” (路加福音2:7)
“。。because there was no room for them in the inn.”(The Gospel of Luke 2:7)
Do you have room?
They journeyed far a weary pair 他們長途而來,疲憊的一對
They sought for shelter from the cold night air 他們在尋找抵禦寒冷夜晚的庇護所
Some place where she could lay her head 一個她可以躺臥休息的地方
Where she could give her Babe a quiet bed 可以給她孩子一個安靜的床
Was there no room? No corner there? 沒有地方嗎?沒有角落嗎?
In all the town a spot Someone could spare? 整個鎮子裡有沒有人可以騰出一個地方?
Was there no soul come to their aid? 就沒有人來幫助嗎?
A stable bare was where the family stayed 一個馬棚就是這一家的宿處。
Do you have room for the Savior? 你有地方給這個救主嗎?
And do you seek Him anew? 你有重新尋找祂嗎?
Have you a place for the One who lived and died for you? 你有地方給為你生和死的這一位嗎?
Are you as humble as a Shepherd Boy 你是謙卑如牧羊童?
Or as wise as Men of Old? 或是智慧如古人?
Would you have come that night? 你那天晚上會來嗎?
Would you have sought the light? 你會去尋找光嗎?
Do you have room? 你 有地方嗎?
A star arose a wondrous light 一顆星星冉冉升 一束美好之光
A sign from God this was the Holy Night 一個從神來的記號 這是聖善夜
And yet so few would go to see 然而卻很少人會去看
The babe who came to rescue you and me. 為拯救你和我而來的嬰孩
This child divine is now a King 這聖嬰孩如今是一位王
The gift of life to all the world He brings 祂帶給全世界 生命之禮
And all mankind He saves from doom 祂願意拯救全人類脫離毀滅
But on that night for Him there was no room 但在那夜卻沒有 祂容身的地方
Do you have room?