《麥田之歌》,是我買過最多次的 CD,年輕時候,比較要好的同學或學弟妹生日,總是送這片CD當禮物。

《麥田之歌》是由PROPRIUS公司在1981年錄製的一張北歐民歌合唱專輯。這張專輯收錄了24首瑞典聖歌,它們源自《瑞典聖歌集》(Swedish Ecumenical Hymn Book),由本特·貝里(Bengt Berg)重新改編。




麥田之歌 Now the Green Blade Riseth - Kornet har sin vila

1. There's a Wideness in God's Mercy

2. When He Comes

3. There Is a Road to Heaven

4. Thou Whom Shepherds Worshipped

5. Love Is Come Again

6. When we Share the Bread that He Gives us

7. God and Man at Table are Sat Down

8. The Love of God is Broad like Beach and Meadow

9. Said Judas to Mary

10. God, when You Breathe

11. Your Name, o, Jesus, is a Comfort

12. Sorrow and Joy Go Hand in Hand

13. I Konw of a Dark and Gloomy Garden

14. Walk Carefully, o, Christian

15. O, Jesus Mine, what Wrong Have You Done

16. Just One Day, One Moment at a Time

17. My Soul, You Must Now Forget

18. O Christ, who art the Light and Day

19. Hope Gives Rest to my Redeemed Soul

20. Spread Your Wings Over Me

21. Many are the Lightbeams

22. How Great Thou Art

23. In faith 'neath the Sky

24. Your Arms are Full of Flowers


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