• 陳的心情日記
    2020-06-26   心情

In this uncertain time, I am working at a decent paying job where I go onsite to the company and work each day. The hours are 8-10 hours a day and the company provide breakfast, lunch and djnner. The meals are ok, sometimes not the best but it's free and convenient. I love or hate my job, it keeps me busy and pays the bills. The job is not difficult, it just takes time and effort. Each day feels like a routine with slight difference. I am glad that I have a job during this uncertain times but I feel there is something missing.

平凡無奇的生活。安全過著無趣的每一天。上班工作, 回家吃晚餐休息, 洗澡滑手機睡覺。

11pm 眼睛閉了就不想張開
11:10pm 睡意全開。。。
明天也加油吧 95加滿


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  • 陳:2020-06-28 03:46  To 婉兒:

    True, I agree. I transitioned into stability right out of University. I am looking to change my current circumstance but I have not found or received any opportunities near me.

    You seem very knowledgeable and speak from experience.
  • 婉兒:2020-06-28 00:22
    Yes, you choose stability over growth.

    Usually people choose stability out of fear.

    In order to be happy, we need to operate out of love and joy, not fear.
  • 陳:2020-06-27 11:21  To 婉兒:

    Maybe. Work is not challenging, it's just completing a list of tasks. Stagnat routine, it's like playing it safe? Its a stable job. Can't really complain...
  • 婉兒:2020-06-27 03:47
    Sounds like you're experiencing stagnation, which most likely stems from a lack of growth and expansion.

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