• Future
    2020-12-29   未來

A lot of things happened in the past year and people have recognized that there must be a change but how to approach and implement this change may differ person to person. I really don't have any plans for the future. In the grand scheme of things, I don't have any major goal or objectives listed out for myself but I am doing what I am suppose to be doing like for example saving certain amount of money from each paycheck, learning variety of skills and gaining different knowledge through the internet. I may not be a specialist in these field but if encounter a problem in everyday life then I am able to solve it through applying the critical thinking skill and basic knowledge needed to begin the problem solving and research additional question/problem down the road. I don't know where I want to be in 5 years and I don't have a huge sum of money nor do I own a house. I am not ambitious and I have not found my passion in life. This year with COVID and impact on the economy where people lose their job and business closing due to...well.. COVID, I am glad that I have a job but honestly its just a paycheck. I noticed that a lot of people have started investment or taken investment to the next step because of COVID since they are able to make money from the instability of market or maybe even boost the instability even farther since investment like stock market, cryptocurrency, and foreign exchange are linked in someway. I am not special in anyway nor am I talented in a specific trait. Heck when I was in school, I was a bit below average based on the academic standards but its ok, right? I turned out ok. Maybe. Like everyone else, I am searching for happiness. Looking high and low to see where my idea of happiness fit in with everyone else's happiness. The different style of thinking has their own type of happiness needless to say people they do settle and compromise when they feel comfortable and in a predictable routine which I don't blame them since it is something familiar. There is nothing wrong with that since people can change over time and adapt to the changes in the environment they are in. I admit that I may not be the best person or the ideal human being to the social standards but if and when I meet the person that love me the way I love her then I am willing to give her my all and more. Over 30 years old and I have not dated nor have I had a girlfriend at all. People often ask why am I single or thinking there is something wrong with me or my standards but love life is not like what we see in the movies, drama or anime where things have to happen at certain stage of life to keep the story arc moving forward. We often ask and look back on the decisions made and think whether or not there was another better way but at that point of time with limited time and knowledge in the set circumstance we did the best we could. People may talk the talk but that's all hindsight. We may blame the world since that is the system we are in. We may blame fate for the position we are in. We may blame ourselves for making the wrong choice after the fact. There is no one right answer since all may have play a role in the result but when there are someone next to you supporting you through the decision you made than you are the luckiest person in the world. Its not the situation or difficulties you are facing but the people around you facing the problem with you. I wish everyone will have that someone that is willing to face the problem/situation and standby you when things get tough and vis versa. In this uncertain time we can do things alone like we used. End Rant.


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  • 陳:2021-01-02 11:18  To 婉兒:

    Thanks 婉兒.
    Happy New Year~
  • 婉兒:2020-12-30 08:41
    Wow, quite a long rant! But I think not knowing where you're heading is okay, because I think deep down you do know, you just haven't acknowledged it yet. All the best in your new year!

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