• Update
    2021-09-30   心情

Hello World
Its been awhile since i wrote here. I hope everyone is continuing to staying safe. There were some drastic changes due to COVID but we made adjustment and continued on living. Talking with people and gain different perspectives, I realized that what I should cherish since I do have it better than some people. Its funny how when you know someone else is in worst situation relative to yourself, somehow you would feel better. I know it sounds messed up but its part of human nature. Everyone is the same sinking boat but the specific rate of sinking might be different for each individual person.
Not boasting or anything just a realization. Its the same as the final destination of each person is the same for regardless of earthly values, social position, or material possessions. All is equal in the eyes of death. Sorry, off topic. Just checking on, I will start to be more active on here. No promises. With less expectation there is less chance of getting hurt since we tend to make assumption and jump to the wrong conclusion. Hope all is well. Cheers.


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