• Family=Humans
    2021-12-01   心情

What is family? People bounded by blood or circumstantial people that happened to by together. Its not by choice or free will. We lived through the hard times and joyous times. The people we take for granted. The people that we can count and rely on when we in trouble. The people that that always tells the truth to your face but complain to outsiders freely when no family listens. Time changes everything and family can also change with time. Family is made up of people which people drift apart overtime and may not recover. People make mistakes and may not learn the lesson. People get tired and may stop trying to do the right thing. It only natural since family is made of people. We humans are imperfect and we need a break to rest when we get tired. Lets take a break from the family and go to our own world to find peace. Its only natural. When things don’t work, it just won’t work. We gave it the best chance possible but if it is then let it be. Just let it be and move on.


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